Tuesday, November 6, 2007

156 to 165

156) There is a big problem with well meaning, but ignorant people, and some not so well-meaning types with a woman-only agenda spreading bad advice about how to handle the problem. They fall into three general categories:

1. Do more - The problem is that you aren't doing enough for your woman, working hard enough at the relationship, aren't good enough somehow or have to change in some other way.

2. Expect less - The problem is what you want from women is unreasonable and no person could meet up to your standard.

3. That's just the way things are - Usually some dreck that attempts to explain what women are doing as a function of some leftover instincts from our evolution. Since it's hardwired, you can't do anything about it and just have to accept your lot in life.

There is one thing all of these theories have in common.....they don't work. Strategies based on them have absolutely no effect whatsoever on the situation. I would say they were untrue (mostly because bad people are intentionally lying to cause you some harm) but there is little point in that because there is no way to prove or disprove them. Instead, I have different criteria to judge them by. Does the theory suggest behaviours that make things better? The answers for these three categories is a very strong no.

So what does? Pretty much assuming the opposite. You should do less, demand more, and assume that you can (and should) choose your behaviours with some goal in mind. Instead of worrying about if you have enough money or some other nebulous criteria by which you are judged, you should instead, be judging women as to if they are good enough to spend any of your valuable time on.


157) Friends with benefits.I've done this too. Basically, what happened was a woman I was in a relationship with, demoted me to the status of sex object (I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore, but I still want to have sex). The point of this situation is their respect for you has dropped to a very low point, but they still need you for something (in my case, it was for sex, but many times, it is something more utilitarian). Their behavior towards you gets more and more uncaring and disrespectful. Just say no.

This doesn't mean you should commit to a woman....no, no, no. What this does mean is the relationship only lasts as long as she is still willing to work hard and compete, in order to "get" you. When that behavior ends, she usually leaves (note that actually "getting" you tends to end the behavior mad.gif ). Sometimes though, they want to hang on for various reasons. Don't let them.


158) Tolerance of deviance has allowed this behavior (eating disorders) to become common place. The solution, both on the societal and personal levels is to not tolerate it. This pays off big time in many ways, and not doing it has a very high cost. Eating disorders are a very good example. If, upon learning a chick you are dating has an eating disorder, you don't dump her, I can absolutely guarantee that you will regret it. Sooner or later (usually sooner), something fucked up will happen to you, because the chick is a psycho. She simply won't act like a normal person. Although it is very difficult to find a woman who IS normal, there are degrees. If you do less, and expect more (especially in the character department, your love life will be MUCH better.

Most relationship experts tell you the exact opposite.....just do more for her and be tolerant of her foilables. That is a deadly mistake.

The very definition of insanity is doing what is counter to survival......refusing to eat is right up there at the top, just under refusing to breath.

That's the point I repeatedly make over and over again with women. Their behavior is NOT explainable in any MEANINGFUL way as a derivation of survival of the fittest. What they are doing is directly counter to both our biological imperatives and the specific patterns in which humans, meet, mate, and relate. The fucked up results are predictable. When you act in a manner contrary to survival......you don't. But, you usually don't croak right away. You spend a certain amount of time, sick, before you go. Usually, you don't pass on your genes. And that is EXACTLY what is happening in our society today.


159) Women are neurotic freaks and very insecure. Part of the dumping process, for them is the drama. They want you to crawl, to try to get them to stay. If you just don't care, it's devastating to them. Even worse, is if you beat her to the punch and dump her first.

Understand this, if nothing else. They all leave eventually. Either they walk out, or they do something so bad that you had better throw them out. When you get involved with one, you need to keep this in mind. Since it is going to happen anyway, it really is no big deal. Also, you have absolutely no reason to limit yourself to only them. When the time comes, they will present it as one of the several variations of the dramatic breakup. Your response should be: So? Preferably, it should only mean that you spend more time with a girl or two you see on the side, while you shop around for a replacement.

You are absolutely right in thinking that you cannot control the sickness in women. But, I would like to point out that you do not have to let it affect you either. There are certain situations that force you to do so (mostly due to government sticking its nose in where it doesn't belong) but they can be avoided (ie don't breed, and don't get married).


160) Men who have to sleep on the couch

This topic is one of the many problems that happens when you allow a woman to weasel her way into living with you (which is part of the point as to why she wanted to). You can't easily leave. You definitely can't leave without destroying the relationship. Contrast this with what you could do if you weren't living together. Look babe, I'm just not satisfied with your behavior. I'll be back when you decide to behave. If it happens too many times, I won't come back.

Not sleeping with her (especially if you are sleeping with someone else) becomes empowering, rather than disempowering. Of course she can do the same thing, but while your desirability goes up when you do this, hers goes down. Plus, don't kid yourself; she is going to do it anyway. Why should you accept the problems inherit in monogamy, when she won't?

My point here is, you lost the fight waaaaay back when you allowed her to move in with you, not when it comes down to her trying to get you to sleep on the couch. Also, if she is doing this, it means your relationship is over. She may hang on (sometimes for quite a bit) but the good times are done and she is looking for your replacement. This is harsh, complicated thing when living together. But, when not living together, it is as simple as erasing her number off your speed dial.


JUSTICE SYSTEM BIAS: Even though the amount of the average "child support payment" due from women is half the amount due from men, and even though women are twice as likely as men to default on those payments, fathers are 97% of "child support" collections prosecutions [Census Bureau]

I had no idea of that stat. It's an important one, IMHO and illustrates quite nicely how the whole "deadbeat dad" issue is a total lie.

HIGHER EDUCATION: There are more than 200 all-female colleges for women and now not one single all-male college for men. 5.8% fewer men than women are enrolled in 4 year colleges, even though two thirds of those who score higher than 550 in SAT Math are males. In 1993 only 44.5% of college enrolments were men, and that figure has declined since then. Only 45.8% of of bachelor's degrees were conferred to men in 1992, even though 98.2% of the top fiftieth percentile of the GRE are men, and ZERO PERCENT of American high school girls correctly answered 28 out of 67 TIMSS advanced math questions. Only 38.4% of private 4 year college students were men as of 1990, and this figure has declined since then.

I personally have run into this bit of discrimination. There was a time when I approached the Chicago School of Professional Psychology about their PsyD. Program. Even though I had GRE scores in the 99 percentile, high grades, published research and good references, they passed me over. Almost all of students there are women. More importantly, all of the women I knew who went to that school (including my own fiancé, at the time) had below average scores, grades and were missing research achievements (supposedly very important) like mine. I approached the head of the board that screens applicants (a woman) and was very rudely rebuffed. Perhaps, I should have sued them. Of course, knowing what I know now, I would NEVER choose to enter the field of Clinical Psychology.

CHILD VIOLENCE: Even though mothers commit 55% of child murders and biological fathers commit 6%, even though NIS-3 shows that Mother-only households are 3 times more fatal to children than Father-only households, children are systematically removed from the natural fathers who are their most effective protectors and men are imprisoned at rate 20 times that of women.

This reminds me of that TV commercial showing a father and a little girl holding hands and acting in a loving manner, while the word Abuser is printed on his back, to be seen by a woman, with a caption urging people to report men, even if they just mildly suspect abuse. The commercial is an obvious attempt to cause harm to normal families, without abuse and a strong father role model. It conveniently ignores the fact that most abuse (and by far, the worst abuse) comes from women, not men. Of men and women, women are the ones who no longer feel the strong bond that makes harming a child, taboo....not men. That is sad and disturbing. And I can think of no stronger argument for the fact that women are the problem in society....not men. Further, of the men who DO abuse, almost all of them are omega males. The commercial shows the nice, white, middle class, respectable dad as the abuser. But the truth is, it's the drug using, lower income, criminal record scumbag that is the abuser. Unfortunately, minorities are over represented in this population.

Good job on the stats.


162) You still need to be leery of the old, fat but working on it line. When a man says this, what he means is he has carefully researched what works, has set goals and a method of monitoring his progress, and is in the process of implementing his plan. Six months, to a year later, he will be fit.

What a WOMAN means when she says this, is she is eating disordered, spends most of the year binging as part of a destructive shame spiral, and is engaging in various extreme, bizarre, mostly ineffective behaviours (vomiting, diuretics, fasting, laxatives, fad diets etc.) out of desperation. Six months to a year later, she will be fatter than ever. Often, she will lose a few pounds, snag a man, and then balloon way up again (a lot of the time, this is on purpose with the point of being disrespectful). But, none of this is the REAL problem. The real problem is the woman is a neurotic mess. Her behavior in all areas of her life is insane, self-defeating and self-destructive (especially with regard to relationships). If you give her the chance, she will try and include you in the pattern. One of the first things she will do is sabotage your own fitness, in a calculated campaign to make you fat. If you have other bad habits you have conquered (for example, smoking), she will try to bring those back too. Now, most women do this to a certain extent, but not nearly to the degree that a "fat chick" does.

Just say no.


QUOTE: I've been turned down for a date because the girl only wanted to date a guy with blue eyes. Mine are brown. So I didn't get a date. And yes, as you can tell, I'm all broken up over it. Yeah.

The correct response to something like this is to laugh in the woman's face, roll your eyes in that "I can't believe what a fucking loser you are" manner and walk away. When a woman has a weird attitude like this, she is telling you quite clearly, and in no uncertain terms, that something is wrong with her. She doesn't know how to play the game and will likely end up failing at it. Either she will end up with nobody or she will end up with an obese, ugly, smelly, unemployed guy.....with blue eyes.

This is a lot different than a woman saying, I want a guy I'm heavily attracted to physically. Or I want a guy who I find interesting to talk to. Or one of lots of different criteria that fall under personal taste. Those things speak directly to the enjoyment of her being with the guy. Blue eyes don’t fit the bill with that. It shows she is clueless about how her choices, affect the quality of her life. One day, she will look back at her crappy as hell life and go, "How the hell did I end up here?"


164) Any time you hear a term like "real man" you should automatically assume someone is trying to manipulate you. What they are trying to do is convince you that cleaning up the mess they made of their own lives, is your responsibility. That you don't have the right to choose the women and the situation that is best for you. That you are somehow less, if you do what you want instead of what they want. The correct response to this is to laugh in their face. Feel free to meet her, seduce her, fuck her and then dump her because she has a kid. Sorry toots, you’re great, but there is just no future in a relationship with you because of all the bad decisions you made in the past......and it's your responsibility to deal with it, not mine.


165) Haven't you guys seen enough evidence that media, in a pretty blanket fashion, is being used against us? I mean, turn on the TV at any time of the day and you will see something, a show, a commercial, a news item that portrays men in a very negative light. How can this be anything but a concerted campaign against us? Why can't you see how the news media is a big part of this, and how the feminist agenda is just part of a larger agenda to disempower you in some weird social experiment. It doesn't get any plainer than showing who voted for what or showing specific, extreme examples of the bias (no...the manipulation of the news to serve a cause against our best interest). Who do you think is passing the laws that make marriage a very bad idea (hence, cutting men off from one of the prime determinants of a happy life), grossly perverting other laws on the bench, and presenting the feminist lies in every print, TV, movie and other media that exists. They aren't exactly subtle about it either.

I'm making a very specific point about this. That point is that feminism and the ass-raping laws that they have been responsible for, are only one head of a hydra. You can't deal with the feminists without dealing with their allies and the agenda that ties them all together.

Do I care about the stupid liberal bias trying to paint the Iraq war as a disaster? Hell no, I don't. Except for all my tax money flowing into that cesspool, I don't really care about Iraq. What I care about is the blatant attempt to manipulate the next presidential election and shift the political balance of power. Why do I care about this? Because once in, they want to pass even more ass-raping laws (hey, how would you like to become financially responsible for kids your girlfriend has from some other man, 3 years after you dumped her or other fun stuff like that). They want to put even more women-only agenda judges on the bench. And they will really ramp up the media showing men in an even worse light, promoting lesbianism as an alternative, and sick lifestyles like being a drug whore or gangbanger in an even more positive light.

I prefer to say NO, to that nonsense.

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